About Grants

The Just Transition Fund invests in organizations that are firmly rooted in our priority regions and states, and are creating economic opportunity or pursuing policy changes aligned with our goals and values.

We prioritize efforts that are led by or serve historically marginalized groups and those most impacted by changes in the coal economy, including low-income people, women, and Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color.

Our grantmaking aims to balance opportunities to achieve near-term impact with longer-term needs related to planning and capacity building, combining the elements we believe are necessary to create and sustain inclusive economic opportunity.

Photo credit: Sam Levitan and the Natural Capital Investment Fund

Our Strategies

Our grant investments support effective programs, policies, and projects that:

Connect Markets

We support initiatives that build local capacity and advance low-carbon sectors to create and retain wealth locally, including through creatively engaging the private sector or linking rural and urban markets.

Stimulate Entrepreneurship

We support efforts that foster collaboration among entrepreneurs, capital providers, and researchers. We also support efforts to incubate and scale innovative and entrepreneurial training programs.

Prepare Workers

We support workforce development programs that train affected workers and community members for new economy careers, including programs that offer wraparound support, partner with local employers, and create remote work opportunities.

Expand Broadband

We support community-driven broadband projects in places that lack sufficient connectivity in order to realize broadband’s potential to enable new economic development opportunities and reduce economic and social inequities.

Advance Policy

We support advocacy campaigns to create, strengthen, and implement just transition policies at the state and federal levels that drive investment in energy communities and are responsive to local needs and priorities.

Grant Cycles

Annual Grantmaking Cycles

The Just Transition Fund conducts two primary grantmaking cycles each year. When these cycles begin, we release a Request for Proposals with details about the funding criteria and application process. Sign up for our email list to be notified about RFPs.

  • ‍Community Economic and Workforce Development

    This cycle, held in the spring, focuses on efforts to create sustainable employment, equitably build local wealth, and improve economic conditions for workers and marginalized community members.

  • Federal and State Policy

    This cycle, held in the summer and fall, focuses on efforts to advance transition policies that support coal communities and affected workers.

Rolling Grant Opportunities


Federal Access Center

With increasing levels of public funding available for local economic development, we are committed to helping more communities secure government grants to scale community-driven economic initiatives. Our Federal Access Center offers grants up to $25,000 and technical assistance to help organizations plan and apply for federal funding opportunities.

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Broadband Project Support

Broadband has the potential to transform the future of work for rural areas, but many coal communities remain stuck in the digital divide. We offer broadband-specific support, including grants of up to $25,000 to help communities apply for federal broadband funding, and up to $150,000 to help build the organizational capacity necessary to design community broadband projects.

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Rapid Response Fund

We offer rapid response grants of up to $20,000 to support time-sensitive efforts by our community partners to advance economic transition initiatives. Contact Grants Manager Sara Sweeney at [email protected] for more information.


501(c)(3) non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. We prioritize support for groups that are deeply rooted in coal-impacted areas. We also support state, regional, and national organizations that partner effectively with communities, as well as organizations that offer relevant expertise such as financial and economic research and analysis, stakeholder engagement, or sector-specific workforce training.

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