
We launched the National Economic Transition (NET) initiative in early 2019, acting on the need for a coordinated response from Congress and the White House to the economic distress affecting coal communities.

The policy platform was developed collaboratively over the course of a year by a diverse group of coal community leaders and local organizations and with professional facilitation of Dialogue + Design Associates, a community engagement and design firm.

It was released in June 2020 with the endorsements of over 80 community economic and workforce development organizations, labor unions, and national nonprofits.

Historic Progress

Since publishing the platform, the Just Transition Fund and our community partners have achieved historic progress with unprecedented levels of investment by Congress and action on economic transition by the Biden-Harris administration.

Billions of dollars in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will advance priorities identified in the NET platform.

President Biden created the Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization following NET’s request for a task force.

Recommendations of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council have reflected NET priorities and led to meaningful executive action on clean energy and broadband access in rural communities.

The Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force’s recommendations on just transition overlapped with those of NET platform.

Seven Pillars of Policy Action

The NET platform highlights seven pillars of workforce and economic development solutions that have proven effective at the local level, and that federal policymakers should prioritize.

Local Leadership

Invest in local leaders to help communities plan and respond.

Restorative Economic Development

Invest in entrepreneurs and small businesses to grow diverse economic sectors that foster more resilient communities, improved public health, and restored ecosystems.


Provide a broad system of support for workers and viable pathways to high-quality, family-sustaining jobs.


Reclaim, remediate, and repurpose coal sites to create jobs while restoring the land and protecting clean water.


Invest in physical and social infrastructure to stimulate economic development and build a foundation for local prosperity.


Protect workers, taxpayers, and the environment amid a pattern of coal bankruptcies.

Coordination and Access

Empower communities by improving access to federal resources.

Learn More

Visit the National Economic Transition website to read the full platform and stay up to date.