Dear Friends,

The ongoing public health, economic, and racial justice crises in our country are a clear reminder to all of us how much work must be done to build a truly equitable, just, and sustainable society. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated the deep inequities of our healthcare system, our economy, and our society, as its costs are disproportionately falling on low-income communities and communities of color. The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many other Black people at the hands of the police are demanding a national reckoning with the legacy of racism that plagues not just law enforcement, but every sector of society.

This is not a time for silence, but a time for listening, learning, and action. Our society must recognize the agony, pain, and systemic obstacles that racism creates for people of color, and we must take concrete steps for change.

At the Just Transition Fund, we know that these economic, social, and racial inequities are exactly what our work must address. We know we cannot achieve our mission of building equitable, inclusive, sustainable economic growth without racial justice. That is why our philanthropy and our technical assistance work supports organizations that create economic opportunity while lifting up the voices of people of color in marginalized communities. We know we can do more. We’re committed to expanding the diversity of the people, organizations, and networks that are engaged in a national conversation about coal community economic transition.

We are proud to rise with all those in America who are speaking out, protesting, and demanding that our government and our society recognize that Black Lives Matter. If you haven’t already, we’d encourage you to check out some of the resources that are available to educate, inform, and activate all those who support this fundamental call for human rights. Connect with local Black-led organizations engaging in protests in your community and/or refer to the powerful resources on hand at groups like The Movement for Black Lives, among many other important organizations.

We look forward to listening to you, working with you, and standing with you.


Heidi Binko
Executive Director
Just Transition Fund

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